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Pennridge North Middle School News

Welcome to North Middle School!



Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Tara Collice

Welcome to Pennridge North Middle School!


I joined the North family in July 2022 as the new Middle School Principal and have felt the love ever since. North Middle School has a dedicated staff of professionals that continually put children first. Their enthusiasm and energy is contagious.


One of our goals at North Middle School is to foster academic success and create an environment that enables students to take risks and actively engage in their learning. Our School Improvement Team spent time together in mid-August examining data and identifying high-impact instructional strategies to support our student's growth and development as learners. We will monitor our goals throughout the year and work together to deliver the best educational experience possible.


Additionally, last school year, we rolled out our School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Program. Our RAMS initiative encourages Respect, Accountability, Motivation, and Safety in all areas of our school community.  This year, we look forward to expanding our celebrations and avenues to recognize the hard work of our students. Incorporated with the district TAKES PRIDE initiative, we aim to highlight students who work hard, make positive choices, and are good citizens. 


As with any school, it takes everyone – students, teachers, support staff, and families. I am thrilled to be a part of this amazing community and watch the students flourish and grow with you.


Please contact me if you ever have questions or concerns about your students.




Dr. Tara Collice

Principal, Pennridge North Middle School

215.453.2765, ext. 851001




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